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Funeral services in Barnsley

Need to make funeral arrangements? Call Brian or Carole Howard at B.M & C Howard Funeral Services.

Handling bereavement

When you have lost a loved one, there will be times when you are overcome with grief. We understand that many people may not be able to handle the funeral arrangement process. Our team will work with you to ensure that all the funeral arrangements are made. We offer compassionate support and guidance to make the process a little less burdensome. If you need guidance, we can help. Contact us today and we'll stand with you.

When an expected death occurs

If the death is expected and being cared for in there own home or a private residence at the time of death in the first instance the care team, nursing staff or doctor should be contacted to verify the death, and then contact your funeral director to take the deceased into there care. The GP will issue a death certificate and this should be used to register the death.

If the death occurs in a Care Home, Hospice, or Hospital the staff will make arrangements to verify the death, you will still need to pick up the death certificate from the GP in order to register the death.

When an unexpected death occurs

If the death is unexpected, the police should be informed immediately. An emergency doctor or the police will contact and involve Her Majesty's Coroner’s office. The office will investigate the cause of death and provide a death certificate. 

We will then offer funeral services for the initial arrangements. All relevant funeral arrangements can be made as per your religion and last rites wishes. For any further support or information, please don't hesitate to contact Brian or Carole Howard 01226 249911 24hr Care Line
Contact us
Call us for funeral services on  01226 249 911
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